Monday, September 19, 2011

Work In Progress: Mega Man X: The Doctor Cain Chapters

                 “Edward, simply put, we want you to go to NV-09312,” Robert Ezell, the dean of Abel City University told Edward, breathing in the smoke from his pipe. Exhaling, he turned toward Edward and smiled. “We believe we may have found a new type of plant life from the Mesozoic; you are an expert in paleobotany, are you not?”
               “Among other things, I studied paleobotany, yes,” Edward said, rearranging his glasses. Sometimes the damned things just didn’t sit right on his face. “But I wouldn’t say I’m an expert, sir.”
                Robert smiled, taking another drag from his pipe, and placed his free hand on Edward’s shoulder. “You’re a bright young man, Edward. I saw you grow up here in Abel City, from the time I was principal of your high school to the day I was accepted as the dean of students here at ACU. I’ve never seen a more talented student with more degrees in the studies of very different things. I understand you just got a bachelor’s in Bio-Engineering, if I’m not mistaken.”
              “I don’t think that’s the point, sir!” Edward yelled, clearly blushing. He wasn’t used to so much praise. “I think my question is… Why me, Mr. Ezell? You have plenty of students more talented in the field of paleobotany. “
              “Because, Edward, I also think you may find more. The war buried a lot of things under the earth. Technology, art, and many other lost things may have been lost. I feel a man of your talent would be able to understand these things more than a simple paleobotanist.” Robert said, settling into his chair, the leather adjusting to his rotund body.  “A man of your talent deserves more.”
               So why am I here, getting dirty and sweaty in this desert? Edward looked up into the blue sky. The war had left clouds of dust covering most of the western coast, leaving western America dark and dreary.  The clouds in this area were finally cleared by mechanaloids a couple of months ago. Thank God for the late Doctor Light, wherever he went. Edward paused, wiping the sweat off his brow. Doctor Light was his idol, a man he respected greatly.

  Much like the up-and-coming scientist, Doctor Thomas Edison Light had been a man of many talents. He was a pioneer in the field of robotics and was the creator of the mechanaloids that now populated the planet. He designed his inventions for the betterment of mankind. He also synthesized many strong medicines and was an expert in bio-engineering.  Doctor Light, all those many years ago, was often referred to as the ‘Light of Mankind’.

Then he simply vanished. He left no trace, and as the war raged and the world at large fell apart, there was no ‘Light’ to look to. Eventually, the war ended and the world was on its way to recovery, with the mechanaloids tending to the more dangerous area. Where does a man of Thomas Light’s caliber disappear to? Edward pondered, rubbing the stubble that had begun to form on his chin.

“Doctor Cain! We’ve found something!! We’ve found something amazing!!” One of the student archaeologists yelled as he ran toward Edward. He stopped in front of the doctor, who was sitting at the entrance to his tent. He looked down at Edward, smiling. “You won’t believe it, sir!” Edward was hoisted to his feet by the student, dazed, he readjusted the hat on his head. Edward, flustered, turned to the student. “No-Now, hold on just a minute!” He managed to yank his arm free from the young man. “What is it you’ve found?”

“It’s a building!” The student smiled. He turned towards the dig site and pointed with his left index finger. “It’s a building, and there’s almost no damage done to it. It almost looks as perfect as the day it was open!” This piqued Edward’s interest. The war was nuclear; this whole area was hit, and now there is a pristine building? Edward gathered all of his research gear, and he was off to the dig site.
It was exactly as the student had explained; the building was in perfect condition despite the war. It was a miracle. There was no other way to describe this. “This is…” Impossible? He thought. No, I suppose some buildings were built with underground bunkers. Noticing some writing, he started to wipe away the dust from the wall. It read Light Labs Bunker #001. Edward was filled with a childish short of joy! Light Labs was at one time run by Doctor Light. I CAN’T BELIEVE THIS!! This could be the find of the century. “Have we found a door?” He turned to one of the workers.             

“We haven’t yet, doctor,” the worker said, pickaxe over her shoulder. “We’re diggin’ around her, so I reckon we’ll be findin’ one soon.” Edward was ecstatic. To find a building his idol must have used! The idea was pleasing to him, and he wouldn’t stop until he opened this treasure trove of technology. Perhaps he’d find plans for a new energy source, or a new type of mechanaloids, or perhaps even a new kind of medicine. The possibilities were endless.

Just you wait, Doctor Light. I WILL discover your secrets, and succeed you as a ‘Light’ that can show the way for humanity!